Yearly Archives: 2023
The final version of shodan
Translated by Jean-Charles Juster. Until now, I have covered the shodan kata on numerous occasions in this blog: Motobu Chômo’s Pin Le de Yabu Le shodan de Tôyama Kanken The shodan of Motobu Chômo is the … Continue reading
Ishimine Karate Masters of Shuri-te
Shuri Castle. Photo by Motobu Naoki From the late Ryukyu Kingdom to the Meiji period (1868–1912), there were karate masters named Ishimine (石嶺) or Ishimine (伊志嶺). Both are pronounced “Ishimine,” but their kanji characters are different. For example, in Motobu … Continue reading
Motobu Chōyū’s Gojūshiho
The other day I wrote a series of articles about how Motobu Chōyū’s Unsū has been transmitted to several lineages in Okinawa. In one of the articles, I quoted a sentence from an article written by Higa Yūchoku Sensei of … Continue reading
Secret Kata of Motobu Udundi
The Sōke (Motobu Chōsei) began to study under Uehara Sensei in 1976 when he received a request from Uehara Seikichi to succeed to the Sōke of Motobu Udundī. This was because it was Motobu Chōyū’s last will and testament that only members of the … Continue reading
Hidden Info
Some of you wonder why certain things are kept secret. This is not a “new” idea. Oyata Sensei once told me that if you tell eveyone then they will be equal and you will not have an advantage. With the … Continue reading
Kata of Asato Ankō
As mentioned in the article “Shutō Uke in Old Style,” I mentioned that Funakoshi Gichin’s Shutō Uke was similar to Motobu Choki’s Shutō Uke. Unlike the Itosu lineage, they are characterized by holding the arm in the upper position and … Continue reading
Problem of Alteration of Chatan Yara Kūsankū
Earlier, I wrote an article on “Matsumura Rōhai.” In that article, I wrote that Matsumura Rōhai of Shitō-ryū, which is also designated as the second designated kata by the All Japan Karate-dō Federation, is actually the kata “Rōhai” of Okinawa’s … Continue reading
Why Okinawan Aristocrats Stopped Wearing Chinese Costumes
Okinawans feared being forced to wear Qing dynasty costumes Okinawa was an independent country, the Ryukyu Kingdom, until 1879. It was conquered by the Satsuma domain of Japan in the early 17th century and was effectively a vassal state of … Continue reading
Ancient Karate Practitioners Also Practiced Pole Vaulting
The photo below is titled “Samurai Town” (士族街) from a photo book titled “Travel Souvenir” (1901). The “Samurai Town” refers to Shuri, the capital of the Ryukyu Kingdom. From “Travel Souvenir” (1901), published by Mitsumura Photograph Company. Source: Okinawa Prefectural … Continue reading